A.D.S. International is an independent private firm specialized in designing and manufacturing advanced systems for astronomy, communication and defense.
Our astronomy activity is focused on large Deformable Mirrors for Adaptive Optics systems, for which we are leading suppliers of major observatories. In the same field we provide high-precision high-payload hexapod positioner systems.
IMAGE CREDITS: Large Binocular Telescope
For defense and telecom application we developed a new suit of high-end antenna systems: land satcom on the move, airborne datalink terminals and ground stations. All these products have been specifically developed for the defense market.
SOTM Ka-band
We recently developed with INAF-OAS Bologna a multiple array of wide field telescopes, specifically designed for SST application.
A.D.S. International operates at its premises a photovoltaic plant with a production greater than double the company's average energy consumption, thus guaranteeing the environmental neutrality of its activity and its products.